ALBA Countries Condemn New US Sanctions on Nicaragua

ALBA-TCP Rejectds New Sanctions Imposed by the US Government on Nicaraguan Nationals and Companies

“The member States of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) categorically reject the new array of unilateral and illegal sanctions that the U.S. government has imposed on Nicaraguan nationals and companies.

Within less than two months, Washington has once again attacked this sister nation, a member of our Bolivarian Alliance, through a series of unilateral coercive measures against companies, such as Compañía Minera Internacional and Capital Mining Investment Nicaragua, and over 250 public officials, including police officers, prosecutors, judges, among others.”

The US government declared: “Today, the Treasury Department designated three Nicaragua-based entities: a Russian military training center…At the same time, the State Department imposed visa restrictions on over 250 members of the Nicaraguan government, including police and paramilitary personnel, penitentiary officials, prosecutors, judges, public higher-education officials, as well as select non-governmental actors, and their immediate family members.”


Nicaragua Solidarity Newsletters from Spain, Britain, and Germany

1.      Spain

Nicaragua: The defeat of the imperialist war against the people

European Committee of Solidarity with the Sandinista Popular Revolution of Madrid (CEP-RPS-Madrid), May 14, 2024
Nicaragua: La derrota de la guerra imperialista contra el pueblo

We are seeing on our screens the true face of the civilized European Union, a club of countries subordinate to the United States, which shamefully follow its dictates with the promise of sharing the crumbs of supposed North American conquests in Russia, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

This May we commemorate the 6th Anniversary of the defeat of the 2018 coup d’état attempt in Nicaragua, which lasted for three months and devastated the most important cities of that small country of 6.8 million inhabitants that it occupies. a territory equivalent to a quarter of Spain. As many of you will remember, then an internal war broke out, which had the world expectant and disconcerted by the atrocities published by the media, which through monstrous lies blamed the Revolution and its leaders.

The coup could have triumphed and that would have dragged Nicaragua into a civil war, bringing in the US Army as savior, to pacify the country, imposing the North American PAX with its weapons. The most important cities and especially Managua and Masaya were the ones that witnessed the most violent actions that the population could imagine. Had the objectives of the right-wing and far-right opposition insurrection been met, the Revolution would have been liquidated and Washington’s triumph would have delayed the course of the History of Latin America and the world.

For this commemoration, we offer readers the report by Nicaraguan producer Marcio Vargas, “The War Against the People,” which captures the drama of those months of unprecedented violence that the corporate media hid. It will serve so that the reader can judge for himself, knowing the two versions:

Past and present are tied together

Nicaragua is that small country that amazed the world in the 1980s. The homeland of the poet Rubén Darío and the liberator Augusto C. Sandino, who with his army of peasants defeated the North American military occupation between 1931 and 1933. The country where, in addition, the last popular anti-imperialist revolution of the 20th century triumphed in 1979. An entire people enthusiastically joined the drive of a guerrilla that from the countryside entered the cities to overthrow the bloody tyranny of the Somozas and abolish the fearsome National Guard, the armed wing of the United States, which he used to plunder their work and wealth, which he distributed among the multinationals of the North and a handful of powerful local families sold to Washington, among which the ruling Somoza clan stood out.

The Sandinista Popular Revolution of 1979 established democracy in Nicaragua for the first time in its history, a popular, non-neoliberal democracy. The United States responded with the “contra” war, which it armed and organized for almost 10 years, from Honduras and Miami, to overthrow the Revolutionary Junta, which arose from popular power. Naturally, the Empire could not allow a change to triumph in its “backyard” that amounted to a second edition of the Cuban revolution and that confirmed the internationalist prophecy of Che, who died in combat only 12 years ago in the Bolivian jungle.

What happened in Nicaragua helps us understand the NATO conflict against Russia in Ukraine and also the war of occupation of Gaza by the State of Israel. Conversely, the wars in Ukraine and Palestine help to understand the case of Nicaragua. In Ukraine they managed to succeed in the imperialist coup d’état of the Maidan in 2014, in Nicaragua they did not succeed. The intervention in Palestine is evident as genocide of a people that does not surrender. Imperialism plays its cards differently in each country.

We are seeing on our screens the true face of the civilized European Union, a club of subaltern countries of the United States, which shamefully follow its dictates with the promise of receiving spoils from dreamed-of North American conquests in Africa, Asia and Latin America. And, what we least expected is that these cultured European elites, who yesterday cried out in fear asking for our support to defend human rights in Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba or any other oppressed country, today are incapable of condemning the truth of the Palestinian genocide.

Nicaragua and the international mud machine?

There is no doubt that the international mobilization in solidarity with the Palestinian cause has opened the eyes of millions of people around the world: workers, students, intellectuals, artists and simple people who fight for a better world and has united them in a single voice. that shouts “free, free, Palestine ”. It is also true that in other conflicts like the one in Ukraine there is not so much coincidence and the same happens in the case of Nicaragua, where a part of the left views the Sandinista Government and its leaders with distrust, the result of an imaginary constructed by media power. based on fake news, creating prejudices and conditioned reflexes that divide us and prevent the united fight against the barbaric North American domination, supported by NATO.

By putting the mud machine into action with well-orchestrated fake news on a global scale, they managed, during the three months that the coup attempt lasted (April 18 to July 18), to reverse the sequence in the minds of many people. . Today it can be demonstrated with reliable evidence that it was a psychological warfare operation whose objective was to build the collective imagination that the destabilization was a product of the Government, creating the fiction that the “regime change” in Nicaragua was beneficial, because in a chaotic and destabilized, order had to be imposed under a new government. That was the plan. [1]

This imagery is still valid in the minds of many people on the left. In the case of Nicaragua (as in Russia) a dilemma arose for which we must find an explanation. The question is, did the bad and perverse communists win based on state violence? Who plays the role of the aggressor and who is the one who suffers a long-planned ploy of aggression? The truth is that the FSLN and its constitutional government, with its people, resisted the riot [2]   and returned to govern. The country was stabilized and today it has recovered the growth of its economy to levels of 3.5 and 5% of GDP. The people are with them more than before. One of the keys to this stabilization was that between 2019 and 2020 the National Assembly approved a set of laws in accordance with the Constitution to protect national sovereignty and peace, thanks to which North American interference has been neutralized and turning off the spotlight of the opposition reaction that votes for Trump more than for Biden, although both equally consider Nicaragua a threat to the security of the United States. Today, Nicaragua has consolidated its trade relations with China, continues to develop military cooperation with Russia and maintains an important share of its trade with North American businessmen, advancing in the elimination of poverty and achieving social rights. Consequently, he managed to consolidate national stability after that victory.

However, the campaign of lies and fake news managed to create in the conscience of a good part of the Spanish left an instinctive contempt for the Sandinista Revolution, which prevents them from expressing their solidarity, giving oxygen to imperialism. This is what we want to highlight.

Madrid, May 10, 2014 European Committee
of Solidarity with the Popular Sandinist Revolution of Madrid (CEP-RPS- Madrid )

1.       We recommend reading the detailed investigation by North American journalist Ben Norton, published in the digital TheZoneGray, collected in this work: “How USAID, a front for the CIA, created the anti-Sandinista media apparatus in Nicaragua

2.      We recommend reading the detailed investigation by North American journalist Ben Norton, who explained in detail how the Sandinista dissidents led by Sergio Ramírez joined the coup attempt in his work: “From Nicaraguan revolutionaries to informants at the United States embassy: how Washington “He recruited former Sandinistas like Dora María Téllez and her MRS party

2.       Britain

May 2024 newsletter of Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group (NSCAG)

Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign

3.      Germany

 New Nicaragua Informe

 Upcoming Events

June 10: Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition monthly zoom meetings: second Monday of the month 2:30 PM ET. Email in advance to access.