A Tribute to Robert Parry, May 19, Berkeley.

A Tribute to Robert Parry, Journalist and Writer, Editor of Consortium News

Robert Parry, was the Editor of Consortium News, a Journalist and Writer who Revealed Vital Facts from Contras & Cocaine to Russiangate

Saturday, May 19 at 2 PM – 5 PM
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
1924 Cedar St, Berkeley, California 94709

Tickets can be purchase in advance or at the door
Sliding Scale $10 – $20 (no one turned away for lack of funds)
This event is wheelchair accessible

Speakers Include Sam Parry, Joe Lauria (New Editor of Consortium News) Natylie Baldwin, Dennis Berstein, Norman Solomon, Ann Wright (Video)

Sponsors: Task Force on the Americas, KPFA, Veterans for Peace, Resumen Latinoamericano