Brazil, the Assassination of Justice; a Coup in a Coup  

By Stella Calloni on April 6, 2018

After an assassination attempt against the former president last week in the state of Paraná, General Luiz Gonzaga Schroeder Lessa told the press in a threatening way that the TSF would induce violence in the country if Lula was not imprisoned and then he raised the possibility of a military coup d’état. Also General, Paulo Chagas, said that “our goal (the Armed Forces) is to avoid changing the law and to avoid the head of a criminal organization sentenced to 12 years in prison, to circulate freely, proclaiming hatred and class struggle.” This is a clear connotation of cold war.Can a Federal Superior Court (TSF) in a country like Brazil function and hold sessions as if nothing had happened, after at least three generals, one of them the current Army Chief, publicly warned that if former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva did not go to jail, they would be “forced” to carry out a military coup?

If something was missing a few hours before the STF’s session, the head of the Army, General Eduardo Villas Boas, said that his force “shares the desire of all good citizens to repudiate impunity.” Said more diplomatically, but the threat was the same.

Any magistrate minimally decent or who simply respects the law had to refuse to be seated in a court, which before such threats had lost all its authority. Moreover, in any case it was a threat of a coup, in a coup that has already occurred.

The media driven, legal and parliamentary coup happened in August 2016 when President Dilma Rousseff was dismissed by a conjunction of news media with the O Globo network leading the way. It was a case handled by judges who have been working for a long time for the United States, like Sergio Moro, fulfilling the role assigned to them, combined with a parliament that is mostly corrupt, which dismissed the president without proof, resulting in a coup d’état.

In May 2016, Rousseff was separated from her position, and Vice President Michel Temer took office, and without anyone intervening, he changed the cabinet, because it did not coincide with him. But by law his role was simply to replace the president for the duration of the trial. However, he took illegal measures, all against the people and the workers, but even more; he adopted measures that seriously damaged the sovereignty of Brazil, starting with the delivery of the large oil fields, taking them out of Petrobras’s control. This company, like all state companies, was the victim of espionage, against the governments of Lula and Dilma, which was revealed in the documented complaints from the former US Security agent Edward Snowden.

The judge who persecuted Dilma and Lula, Sergio Moro is one of the many judges or judicial employees co-opted by Washington, which in fact now maintains a kind of School of the Americas for police forces in El Salvador. Moro’s conviction of Lula is a legal monstrosity, since -as in the Dilma case- there is no evidence in the case for which he was convicted, which makes him a political hostage, not only from Brazil, but from Washington which favored the former informant for the Southern Command, the current president; Michel Temer.

The U.S. scheme of infiltrating judicial structures in Latin America emerged as a working methodology in the counterinsurgency and strategic plans for the region in the 1990s that began to be applied in the first years of the 21st century. Out of it a new model was then proposed; the “National Security Democracies”, replacing the National Security dictatorships, which turned Latin America into a cemetery in the 20th century.

The “democracy” planned in meetings at the headquarters of the Southern Command, were nothing but covert dictatorships to handle the low intensity conflicts in the 21st Century. Dispersing the Southern Command from its headquarters in the Panama Canal Zone through the installation of dependent military bases and establishments in strategic territories of Latin America, was another decision to end the rebellion on the continent, by hitting all projects of integration and directly control the region’s best colonial style.

In the case of Judge Sergio Moro, who studied Law at the Maringá Regional University, who very quickly came into contact with the United States by attending a “special” program for the instruction of lawyers, at no less the Harvard Law School in the United States.

He also participated in the “Program for International Visitors” organized in 2007 by the US Department of State, specializing in the prevention and fight against money laundering. In that course he made visits to different agencies in the United States, including intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the FBI.

The United States had already foreseen that in order to “control” the region, it had to infiltrate the judicial structures, in addition to appropriating the majority of the mass media, or at least controlling them, through multimillion-dollar companies. In the case of parliaments, control was achieved through the ideological cooptation of legislators and corruption.

Judge Moro was also instructed in the analysis of financial crimes, and in the crimes carried out by organized criminal groups and from that moment on he became a man at the service of Washington.

He is one of the many magistrates who work together with some of the US Foundations and their Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that silently invaded Latin America from the 1980s to the present.

As it became known during the governments of Lula and Dilma, Brazil was subject to intense espionage by the United States and especially its large companies, which Washington had been looking at for some time, allowing them to prepare the necessary offensive at the necessary time.

This is part of the strategy of the continental right, which responds directly to the U.S. imperial interests and its geostrategic project of continental recolonization. Various and renewed coup mechanisms are used as we have seen in recent years and especially in the cases of Honduras (2009), Paraguay (2012) and Brazil (2016) where the coup d’état took place, all aimed at ending authentically popular governments.

Another method is the issue of elections with strong Washington interference such as those held in Argentina in 2015 when some 40 million dollars were spent on the US decision to end the government of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Her presidency was submitted to a brutal psychological war of attrition, discrediting and now a ruthless persecution by both the media and judicial.

In this work of destruction, the figure of Sergio Moro, as well as other judges, and the brutal war by the O Globo Network, similar to what the Clarín Group has done in Argentina, were key in Brazil. The press was used as a weapon of war, essential in the plans of continental domination.

In an article published in Brazil de Fato, Daniel Giovanaz places the case of Judge Moro-turned into a “hero” in the United States, the country for which he works for and shows that this accusation is not a “conspiracy theory”, because in this case there is sufficient evidence in facts and documents.

There was always a doubt about the surprising rise of Judge Moro who was designated as a man of the CIA or the FBI of the United States. In June 2016, the philosopher and researcher Marilena Chauí, cited by Daniel Giovanaz, stated that trial judge Sergio Moro had been co-opted by the FBI to serve US interests in the case of Operation Lava Jato.

The video with the denunciation of Chauí broadcast by a TV channel (Nocaute) of Brazil was seen by more than 160 thousand people and originated debates among jurists, historians, political scientists and Brazilian sociologists.

“He received a training characteristic of what the FBI did during the period of McCarthyism [the policy of anti-Communist persecution adopted by the United States in the 1950s] and it was after September 11 that the” intimidation and denunciation “spread,” Chauí says. The Brazilian philosopher went on to state that, “the United States had one objective; to destabilize Brazil to seize the large oil fields and other immense resources and control none other than this great Latin American power.”

“In this sense the Operation Lava Jato is, like a prelude to the great symphony of destruction of Brazilian sovereignty for the 21st century” denounced Chauí, whose hypothesis was supported by a Wikileaks document, which was released on October 30, 2009. “The name of Sergio Moro – in addition to his key relationship with the United States – is cited as a participant in a conference offered in Rio de Janeiro by the Bridges Project, linked to the State Department whose objective was “to consolidate bilateral agreement (between the US and Brazil) for law enforcement. To understand this Washington began to give advice on issues of justice counting not only on Moro, but with other judges as well, who passed through their courses.

According to this document, the Brazilian jurists who participated in the conference under the pretext of “combating terrorism” pointed out to the US authorities, among them the Resident Advisor for Legal Issues of the US Embassy, certain “incapacity” of the Criminal Code of Brazil to face these situations. In this case Sergio Moro was the key figure that raised the most frequent legal problems in cases of money laundering in the Brazilian Courts.

Among the conclusions by Wikileaks about that conference was that those responsible for the Pontes Project sustained “the continuous need to ensure the training of federal judges and students of Brazil to face the illicit financing of criminal conduct”. The strategy should be a “long term” one and should coincide with the formation of “training task forces” that could be established in São Paulo, Campo Grande or Curitiba.

Five years after that Rio de Janeiro event, Operation Lava Jato erupted and demonstrated the “perfecting” of the Judicial Power in investigations into causes and money laundering in Brazil, but at the same time it established a climate of political instability in the country, something very important for the plans of the United States.

The Unlimited Interference

The United States, which already had its control group headed by Moro, placed itself in a position to collaborate with the advance of Operation Lava Jato. In 2015, the US authorities accepted a request from the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) to track deposits that would allow the dismantling of the mechanism assembled by the Odebrecht Company for bribery payments abroad. This way Washington controlled managed and manipulated operations.

Documents classified as top secrets by the US National Security Agency known in 2013 revealed that Dilma and her top advisors were being directly spied on by the US government. “Just as it is impossible to disassociate Lava Jato from the political situation of instability that resulted in the coup against Dilma, the advantages obtained by the United States with the change of government in Brazil are evident,” says Fato’s Brazil.

One example is that Pedro Pullen Parente was chosen by Michel Temer (PSMDB) to chair Petrobras and in May 2016 started an asset sale process and to facilitate the privatization of the oil sector. The delivery of deposits to foreign capital started with precious plots in the areas of Carcará, Lara and Lapa. On May 24, the Single Oil Federation (FUP) published a letter demanding the resignation of Parente under accusations of destruction of public property and interference of foreign interests in the state administration. Pullen Parente was Minister of the Civil House in the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and executive vice president of RBS, affiliated with the Globo network in the south of the country. The circle always closes.

By the way, it also reveals that Sergio Moro’s visits to the United States have become more and more frequent in the last two years. In July 2016 he gave a lecture in Washington on “The Importance of the Media in Support of Criminal Investigations”. In September, during the Lava Jato boom, he participated in a series of conferences in Pennsylvania where he was presented as “the central leader in the strengthening of the Rule of Law in Brazil.”

It is worth wondering if the events that have taken place have not ended the rule of law that should govern a real democracy, which does not exist in Brazil. Lula is innocent and has never been proven otherwise. His defense is the defense of our rights and our future in freedom.

Source: Diario Contexto, translation Resumen Latinoamericano North American Bureau