Revolt of the Dispossessed against Neoliberalism in Latin America and the Caribbean

Sun, Feb 9, 2020: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Revolt of the Dispossessed against Neoliberalism in Latin America and the Caribbean

With the Trump administration’s renewed emphasis on imposing the Monroe Doctrine to the Empire’s so-called “backyard,” the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean resist in a revolt of the dispossessed against neoliberalism. In this year in review, hear about the struggles in Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, Bolivia, Haiti, and elsewhere along with the solidarity actions by North Americans in support of the social justice movements. The presenters are activists with the 34-year old human rights organization, Task Force on the Americas ( The presenters are Alice Loaiza, Alicia Jrapko, David Paul, Marilyn Langlois, Bill Hackwell, Roger Harris.

Sunday Morning at the Marxist Library

At NPML, 6501 Telegraph Ave. Oakland, CA 94609

Info: contact Gene Ruyle: Ph: 510-332-3865.
