We Condemn US led Aggression against Venezuela

For almost two decades the US has tried to destabilize and overthrow the independent and socialist inclined government of Venezuela.

In 2002, the US supported the attempted coup against President Chavez. That attempt failed but the US policy of subversion through economic, diplomatic and information war has continued. With the death of Hugo Chavez and coming to power of Nicolas Maduro, the US has escalated its efforts and promoted the hard core opposition including elements who carried street blockade (guarimbas), vandalism and violence in 2014 and 2017.

The Venezuelan Supreme Electoral Tribunal and Supreme Court have certified Nicolas Maduro as the winner of the 2018 presidential election. Although the radical opposition boycotted the election, Maduro ran against multiple candidates including moderate opposition leader Henry Falcon. Following Venezuela’s Constitutional process, Maduro was sworn into office on January 10.

Donald Trump, who became president in the highly flawed US election process, wants to decide who is the president of Venezuela. He says it should be Juan Guaido, whom most Venezuelans had never heard of just a few weeks ago. The US interference and manipulation is so extreme that the US and their subordinates were declaring Guaido to be the president of Venezuela even before he declared it.

This is a clear case of foreign interference in a sovereign country. It is a violation of international law and the UN Charter which specifies the equality of sovereign states and against intervention.

The US is interfering, discouraging negotiation and promoting conflict which can only lead to violence. We denounce this interference and call on all who believe international law to speak up clearly and loudly against this intervention. It is for the Venezuelan people to determine their course and resolve their differences in keeping with their own constitution and laws.

Please let your congressperson know what you think. With few exceptions they have been sickeningly silent or  complicit regarding this aggression. A couple pleasant exceptions who warrant support and thanks are Ro Khanna (D – Calif) and Tulsi Gabbard (D – Hawaii).

To follow what is happening in Venezuela, we recommend the following sources for news updates and analyses:   VenezuelAnalysis.com,  Telesur.tv.net,  TheRealNews.com

Following are a few articles which predicted or analyze what is happening:



If severe conflict and violence breaks out in Venezuela, we hold the US government significantly responsible.

January 25, 2019